The following is best set up by a couple of comic strips I saved
year ago...In the first, "Hobbes" is telling "Calvin," "The problem with
the future is it keeps turning into the present."
The second is from a comic strip called "Shoe" where one character
says to the other, "You're writing your autobiography?"
"Yep," is the response, "I think I'm at the perfect age to put it all
down onpaper." Next frame. "-I've forgotten all the bad parts."
Enough said. Read on for this girl's Roller fable.....
"If we close our eyes, and believe it might
come true..." In your dreams, you weren't the awkward kid who got
lockjaw whenever anyone but family and closest friends spoke to you...the
years between 1955 and 1963 weren't a lifetime...a song called "My Lisa"
could have been for you...and just for fiction's sake, the quiet Roller
could become the conniving one, and the extrovert could become your friend
Roller Day, August, 1977. The sea of
frantic teenage girls surged forward. "Derek doesn't have a big nose!",
I wailed to Melissa as tears streamed down my face. Under normal
circumstances, she would have disputed the point fiercely. Instead
she only replied weakly, "I know!" Then Eric yelled, "Cut the music!"
and the size of Derek's nose was no longer of any importance. Meanwhile,
our friend Pam, dressed in full Rollergear and clutching her plaid stuffed
animal Erica, promptly swooned. Her dramatic performance as the police
carried her from the crush earned her a spot on the local news and a picture
on the front page of the Detroit Free Press.
In Reese, Michigan, one could see for miles
and miles across flat farm fields, a position made only slightly more bearable
in a 13-year-old's mind by the town's ten-minute proximity to Bay City.
On this particular August day while mature-beyond-her-years Melissa and
our new, "together" Roller-friend Christy were shopping for clothes and
good-looking boys in an air- conditioned shopping mall, I was climbing
trees and the walls while memorizing Top Forty hits generated by my ever-present
AM/FM radio. Leaving my 15 and 10-year-old brothers behind, I wandered
to the small woods beyond our backyard, retreating among the rocks and
logs I called my secret corner where I hummed a few tunes, lost in my imaginings.
I was still buried in this state of reverie, picking wildflowers by the
pond, when I heard the tire-crunches of approaching vehicles. Safely
hidden by the greenery, I experienced near heart failure as the doors to
the two sedans opened and out stepped Leslie McKeown, Eric Faulkner, Derek
Longmuir, and Stuart "Woody" Wood of the Bay City Rollers along with their
manager and a most excited real estate agent.
Newspaper passages and magazine quotations
skipped into my mind about British taxes on entertainers, tax shelters,
"Taxman" by the Beatles...and U.S. citizenship? Even pop stars need
a place to retreat to, a place where"nothing happens."...Melissa and Christy
didn't believe me of course. Thewoods remained undisturbed for the rest
of the summer. Then in September, a chain link fence was installed,
but I was a climber, you'll recall. Alone I watched as the dozers dug and
four skeletal frames filled out and took shape. The pond had to go, yet
the suspense outweighed any loss I felt. October was nearly over
with no Rollers in sight. Only a sign at the gate that read "Edinburgh
One blue-skied Indian Summer day after a particularly
trying afternoon of ninth grade, I slipped into my secret corner and heard
voices...distinctly Scottish the distance. Having always
prided myself on my near-
silent surveillance tactics, I moved slowly closer. Almost within
earshot... Unexpectedly, I heard the snapping of twigs behind me.
Leslie McKeown said, "Well, well, who do we have
here?", sounding highly amused. I waited to be reprimanded,
and bit my lip frightfully as I turned around. "Don't worry, your secret
is safe with me so long as our secret is safe with you," he continued with
a wicked, let's-make-a-deal smile.
I breathed a sigh of relief and somehow managed
to stammer, "Are you really going to live here?"
"We certainly are!...At least some of the
time. That's my future 'castle' right over there," he replied, pointing
proudly in the direction of ponds past. At that moment, the rest
of the guys began calling his name so he shouted back, "I'll be right with
ya," offered me a wink and the warning that I'd better run along "before
the others catch ya."
"See you later--What was your name again?"
Swallowing hard, I told him and made a mad dash for the fenceline.
"Who's there?" and "What's that?" echoed through
the trees.
"Just a scared little rabbit running home,"
Leslie McKeown chimed.
Minutes later, shaking with disbelief, I dialed
Melissa's number. Would she believe me now?
Let me tell you about my atypical family...I'm the
middle child, wedged firmly between my tormenting, KISS-Army-type brother
Tim and my sometimes-Roller-fan, baseball-loving brother Joe. My
mom has dibs on being the first upwardly mobile wife in town, the full-time
office manager at one of the larger business firms nearby Saginaw has to
offer. Her idea of guidance to me in this confusing time is "Just
be yourself." How can I be myself when I don't know who that is?
But she's not around to ask.
And my blue collar dad while an all-around
great guy--even though he'll undoubtedly strike up a conversation just
when I'm tape-recording the Rollers on TV--isn't the man to plague with
teenage angst. So while I hope to become a beautiful flower someday,
right now I feel like more of a weed.
After my encounter with Leslie McKeown, I
fancied what I'd say to any of the guys in the group in an attempt to make
intelligent, adult conversation, particularly drummer Derek. But
I was stymied. They surely wouldn't want to hear about how my mother
wouldn't let me stay home from school to watch their weeklong appearances
on "Mike Douglas" or the "Dinah Shore" show ...Or about how Melissa and
I were at Bay City Hall to see them hours before they even appeared ...A
bit desperately, I knew Melissa and Christy wanted me to be a "normal"
ninth-grader but it just wasn't happening.
FIRST MEETING. Melissa was planted
on the sofa reading a Mad magazine as if her life depended on it, Christy
was calmly absorbing Roller music, and I was at the front door when the
hour of truth arrived. By one minute past four, the three of us were
beginning to experience excessive doubt. Christy forced me to have
a seat and listen to "Dedication" so I sat, far from relaxed and nervously
chewed at my fingernails. Tires on the driveway. I screeched
first then we all ran to look. Derek Longmuir driving a metallic
blue Z-28. And he was alone! I let him in, blushing hotly, expecting
to hear Melissa go nuts. She didn't. She was almost too quiet.
Christy appeared a little unnerved at first but quickly took control of
herself. I noted that Derek was wearing a white, plaid-trimmed shirt,
and jeans with thecuffs turned up.
Twenty minutes later, the group of us
was smuggled through a discreet side door of the Rollers' downtown Saginaw
hotel, and to the proper floor by service elevator. From there Derek
breezed us past hotel security to the BCR's adjoining rooms. I felt
like I was dreaming when Tam Paton, the band's manager, swept us through
a quickly opened door and Melissa, Christy and I were confronted by the
remaining three Rollers who were glued to the television and in the process
of dining from room service. Derek took charge of the introductions
and everyone was soon fast friends. Except I couldn't find the courage
to speak one word to lead singer Les McKeown, intimidated by the pre-sold
notion "Les loves excitement" or the even bolder "Sex is Les."
"Tony," my mother called, stopping my typewriter fingers
cold, "Time for dinner!"
LATER THAT NIGHT. Derek and I left in the same metallic blue
Z-28. We tried talking but couldn't think of anything to say.
I just wanted to kiss him and that was all I could think about. He
finally understood, and once you start, it's hard to stop. I hadn't
sent away for one of those Roller Kissing Kits, and now I wouldn't have
to! Some time later, Derek reached into the backseat and handed me
an autographed copy of "Once Upon A Star," a BCR album released only in
Great Britain. Then he handed me the lyrics of a song, the only one
he had ever written, and he said it was for me. Driving back to the
hotel, he asked what scent I was wearing. "Love's Baby Soft," I told
"I like it," he said approvingly, "And
I like you too."
Trying to hid another blushing attack,
I conjured up the first time I'd seen Derek Longmuir on "Howard Cosell's
Saturday Night," pounding away on the drums, wearing the biggest smile
I'd ever seen.
"Tony," my mom called, "It's your turn to unload
the dishwasher!"
Reluctantly, I left my typewriter for lower priorities like chores,
homework, sleep and another day at RHS.
THE REHEARSAL. Comparing notes by phone from the night before,
I told of my signed album. Melissa's tale of going home with a box
of Woody's old plaid scarves brought tears to her eyes, reported Christy,
who would only admit to several Eric kisses of the world's record variety...
My ride arrived. Les was at the wheel of the blue "Z" this time.
Derek and I sat in the back. Once again, I was too bashful to speak
to Leslie McKeown, although to my delight he greeted me brightly by name
and asked, "How are ye this morning?"
"Good," I said, most brilliantly.
He just grinned and I looked down toward the floor. After that, he
asked me all kinds of polite questions in a failed attempt to break me
out of my shell...Our complete entourage entered the Civic Center via an
obscure door in the back of the building. Roadies, crewpeople and
others were present, yes, but words cannot describe what took place-- A
whole informal concert performance, wackiness and moments of petulance
included, just for us! Eric's eyes were either closed in concentration
or focused on Christy throughout...Woody put his heart and soul into the
music but he was singing and playing solely for Melissa. And Derek?
Well, Derek made those stupid faces when he played the drums as Melissa
would forever remind me. I decided those stupid faces were only endearing
and turned my full attention to the closing moments of the rehearsal.
When the guys were finished, everyone in attendance gave them a standing
ovation, and the Rollers bowed like a bunch of hams, exept for Derek of
course, who was too serious for such behavior. Tam had someone drive
us back to the hotel while the band attended a press conference.
Woody bid us farewell with instructions to open all the presents that had
been sent too their rooms--except for the letters. So guess what
we went after first!
Christy, Melissa and I couldn't believe
we were alone in the Rollers' hotel rooms...but we controlled our curiosities
for the most part and sat down to sort through the countless gifts that
had arrived since the BCR checked in. When the guys returned from their
long afternoon, I handed Les a stack of letters that he thanked me for
and tossed into a wastebasket. Woody saw the astonished, hurt expression
on my face and said, "Don't mind him. He's just a bit cranky, and I'm sure
he didn't mean to upset you." After a nap in the next room, Les returned
stretching and yawning only to have his mates drag him back behind closed
doors. They announced they were writing a song for us.
"We are?", Les quipped, once again himself. Tam ran a film
for us, some old western. He said it was the Rollers' favorite.
When the locked door reopened, a complete
wardrobe change had taken place. Eric was wearing a white '78 tour
t-shirt and cut-off jeans bearing the message "Spank Me!"...Les was relaxed
in *no* shirt, *just* a pair of cut-offs...Woody wore cut-offs, a blue
and green striped rugby shirt with a white collar, and a pair of Eric's
toe socks...Derek wore the usual jeans (darn), and a plaid shirt...The
song was a complete secret, and no matter how much we pleaded, we were
told it would be sung for us the first time at the concert Thursday night.
24 whole hours later!
I still slept with a smile on my face,
as a photograph my big brother took that night clearly proves.
Tony called it quits herself this time, and sat
beneath the willow tree in her backyard listening to the radio, staring
at the long gravel drive from Reese Road into Edinburgh Estates.
At 7:45, we kissed the guys goodbye, excepting
Les. He looked at us in mock sadness and asked, "Don't I get one
too?" I was the first in line! Our guide directed us to our front
row seats which were only about five feet from the stage. When the
announcer emerged, everyone screamed, then chanted, "We want the Rollers!"
at the top of our lungs, almost obliterating the news that the concert
was being taped by ABC to be shown on national television, live album to
follow. As the sell-out crowd counted down the last minute, you could
feel rampant anticipation in the air. Finally we were down to 3-2-1!
*ROLLERMANIA!* In a big flash, the four Bay City Rollers appeared
before our wondering eyes.
Simultaneously, the first song--"You Made
Me Believe In Magic"--began. The screaming was absolutely deafening unless
you were screaming too. "It's A Game" followed the opening number.
Les was having a great time in front of all those people. He loved
it, I could tell.
When Eric and Woody did "Shanghai'd In
Love," we were all believing in magic and the screaming level rose to new
heights. All the girls around us were crying, including ourselves.
Once I was sure I saw Woody wink at Melissa, then she really fell apart.
The guys did some old songs and everyone kind of sang along, at which point
Les revealed they were going to sing a brand new song for the first time.
He said it was for some very special girls, "And you know who you are!"
As the pretty melody reached our ears,
the Civic Center became strangely quiet, as if everyone wanted to catch
each word. Woody sang the first verse, which was obviously for Melissa...Les
sang lead on the chorus...then Eric sang the second verse as he gazed down
upon Christy with those intent blue eyes. He got a *real* reaction, and
not just from Christy! I saw about five girls carried out to the
first aid station. Following Les' chorus run, something incredible happened.
Derek Longmuir sang! For *me.* Of course he remained hidden
behind his drum kit, but still...
Suddenly the song was over. Les
followed up by crooning out "Dedication," and immediately kicking into
"Yesterday's Hero." Then he shushed the crowd as best he could to
say, "This next number was written by
Derek Longmuir. It's his first song, and he wrote it just
for you!", pointing right at me and laughing. The slow music began
and I fell back into my seat. I couldn't believe this whole song was just
for me. I realized how much Derek must really like me to be doing all of
When Les sang the last word, I recovered
from my quiet hysteria with "Rock 'N' Roller." The front man soon
had the entire audience screaming and clapping. The songs continued
in that frantic fashion. Nobody got hoarse, nobody got a headache--although
many girls fainted. Others looked as if they had gone insane.
I doubted I'd ever see anything like it again, especially while witnessing
the reaction to "Saturday Night," the group's first American hit. With
its last note, the Bay City Rollers were gone, leaving thousands of their
crying fans behind.
10 p.m. was the readout on her clock-radio.
Completely drained, Tony called herself another time-out, not feeling up
to typing any "Melissa, Christy, and I" goodbyes right then. Her
fairytales were far from over anyway. What about the Rollers' plane,
and the trip to Scotland? Scotland was where Woody would discover
Melissa's future-hit singing abilities and become her manager, Christy
and Eric would become engaged, Derek would introduce Tony to his faithful
dog Jamie, and Leslie's mum would feed them all Irish stew. Stays
in New York and Los Angeles would surely follow...
Sneaking into the backyard once more, safe in the
Friday night darkness just past the willow tree, she could swear she saw
a light in the drive of the house where the pond used to be. Indecision
loomed and temptation gnawed just as the nocturnal distance from point
a to point b gave her the willies. She allowed herself a few moments
to procrastinate by returning to the house for a jacket, noting that no
one stopped her on her way back out.
The light still glowed in Leslie's drive.
Music, she needed music, and then she could walk...Rollers music. Something
quiet and dreamy. So her accommodating brain cued up "La Belle
Jeane," the longer version from "Once Upon A Star"--"Feel the air, this
night is for romance..." By the second time through the verses, Tony
was halfway there. "Paris by moonlight, you shine out like starbright..."
Climbing that nasty fence, seeing demons hiding everywhere. "Silently
spinning, you dance the night away." Dashing through Derek's backyard,
past his garage toward the light now a couple deep breaths away.
"Jeane, Jeane, Jeane, Jeane..." The song faded away just as she reached
the front door.
And lost her nerve. The tiny bulb in
the doorbell pushbutton glowed and still she stood frozen while inside
she heard the continuous thump of a stereo very much in use. And
someone, must be Leslie, whooped loudly in time. Great, now she could stand
there grinning *and* frightened. Slowly, one hand positioned the
index finger of the other in front of the button and pushed. The thudding
stereo stopped as an intercom she hadn't seen clicked to life and asked
her to identify herself. Oh, God.
"It's Tony...the rabbit. Tony
More "Oh, Gods," a whole symphony of them
as footsteps approached, the door swung open. A barefoot Les McKeown, pack
of Marlboros in hand, unbuttoned dress shirt hanging open, jeans on, slightly
rumpled hair...and an abrupt stop to singing "You Made Me Believe In Magic"
when he saw her.
"Ho, ho! Tony the frightened rabbit,
what brings you here?"
He must not be upset or he wouldn't have been
the one smiling just then.
"I saw the light."
A collection of moths quickly flocked around
his front door, so he motioned her in, mindblowingly explaining that he
was only there for the night, and that the other guys had already gone
on to Minnesota for shows at the Met Center and the DECC in Duluth.
"Is our little secret still safe?", he inquired
With effort, she met his eyes shyly and confessed,
"I tried to tell my friends Melissa and Christy but they wouldn't believe
me." His look of amusement encouraged her to continue. "Melissa
likes Woody, and Christy likes Eric."
"Who do *you* like then?", he grilled her.
"Derek, I guess. My mom says he's too
old for me though."
She counted the precious seconds spent in
her idol's front hallway, feeling equally selfish for taking his time.
Fumbled for an exit line.
"Well, I just wanted to stop and say hi...I'd
better head home now. My mom and dad don't know I'm
out..." She turned only to have him stop her with an offer for
a ride home that left her sucking air. Yet she felt like such a kid.
"I can just walk."
"It's okay. Think of it as another secret."
He was already reaching for his keys. Minutes later, she was in her own
warmly lit kitchen, clutching a scrap of paper with Leslie's private phone
number at Edinburgh Estates. Leave me some messages, he had said.
And this was an even exchange. He'd scribbled down her number too,
but pop stars like the BCR must be handed a thousand such scraps of paper
a day. Que sera, sera.
If truth be told though, her mind was racing
as it never had before. She longed to reconcile the face she'd just
seen with the one on the album covers in her room, but even with them spread
around her on her bed, she couldn't fathom that the two men were one and
the same. Things like that just didn't occur. Plain and simple.
This was Tony Dixon. This was Reese, the town where *nothing* happened.
Her Roller albums were precious to her.
She knew her mother thought differently but time would tell. She
wished so much that the records' vinyl surfaces would never become worn.
Each and every time she played them...Maybe someday there'd be Bay City
Roller albums that lasted forever. One by one, she studied the cardboard
covers. "Wouldn't You Like It?" was missing since the 8-track tape
was actually her younger brother's, but she wondered briefly if she was
the only fan who thought the song title "Derek's End Piece" sounded kind
of perverted...
"Rollin'"--Leslie's likes included touring
and Spiderman comics, but he looked thin as a rail in that v-necked sweater.
"Once Upon A Star"--The only one not wearing plaid. "Bay City Rollers"--
First U.S. album, so fresh-faced and innocent! (Probably not.)
"Rock N' Roll Love Letter"-- Leslie's pants were snapped and zipped, Woody's
weren't. "Dedication"--Looking more like men than boys now, Les wearing
a button that said something about getting excited. Plus 60,000 people
in Toronto, Ontario hidden inside.
And "It's A Game", whose rear cover took some
getting used to--Best inside photos ever?...There--That time-exposure of
Les! She flopped back on the bed clutching the album close to her,
kicking her feet a few times. "I *met* this guy! I stood right
in his hallway and *talked* to him!" This was going to be a long
High school took the shine off her adventure.
Her locker-partner had left her for someone else the first week of classes
so there was no captive audience to talk to. Turned out Melissa was
in one of her indifferent moods. Christy had a different lunch hour, and
lately had taken to hanging around with the sluttier girls in the ninth
grade although when pinned down still swore her devotion to Eric.
Tony was beginning to get the message that
it wasn't *cool* to like the Bay City Rollers at RHS, at least not publicly.
How could these people have changed so much from June to September?
Well, she wasn't having any part of it. Be true to yourself and all
that. But being true to yourself didn't save you from catty remarks
in gym class even if you knew you could leave those girls in the dust when
a race was on. Taking another quick glance at the Roller pictures inside
her locker door,she shut it with a firm clang and headed toward first hour.
Melissa, Christy and I listened to "It's A Game" with heavy hearts.
I couldn't help crying when I heard "You Made Me Believe In Magic."
As we sat on the floor of Christy's room, we talked about the night before.
Melissa was first.
"We watched a movie in the hotel room and Woody
was holding my ha-ha-hand." A brief delay as she burst into tears.
"He had on a pair of those funny glasses with the nose and the fuzzy mustache.
He tried to kiss me but his mustache got in the way." She laughed
with the tears still on her face. In her mind, she recalled the tender
moments they had shared, and how easily he could make her laugh, make her
Christy began, "Well, Eric wanted to talk
to my parents about us. Tonight, he gave me this ring and now we're *pre-*engaged."
He was so lonely and so in love with her! When he spoke of becoming
engaged, it was fearfully, as if she might change her mind while he was
away. He had taken the tiny box from his pocket, but before he even
opened it, he told her, "I'd like you to wear this so you'll always know
I'm thinking of you. I'd like us to be together someday, but if you
have any doubts, tell me now. I couldn't go on if you--"
"Hurry up and put that ring on my finger
before you miss your plane!", she'd answered affectionately, kissing him.
As a result of her reply, he'd almost missed the plane anyway. Now
she was wearing his ring, and wherever he was, he was thinking of her.
As we crawled into bed, "You Made Me Believe
In Magic" came on the radio for some listeners in Reese. In the darkness,
I felt suddenly very safe and wanted. Derek could have gone out with
more wordly, more beautiful girls, but he had chosen me.
Another Friday afternoon, and Tony was boycotting
the last RHS football game of the season. Melissa would be there with her
new honey from Saginaw, but even more frighteningly, Christy was apparently
in-like with big brother Tim's mocking friend Rodney. Confusion *and*
blech! And one girl feeling ever more left behind.
Chilly night anyway. Good for staying
home and watching "Dallas." Her folks had made a dinner-and-the-mall
run, and both her brothers were out having lives when the phone rang midway
through another cheesy hour of "Donny And Marie." A man calling on
behalf of Mr. McKeown to please let Ms. Tony Dixon know he would be arriving
at Edinburgh Estates around 8:30 p.m. on Saturday evening. How handy
that no one was there to see her leaping on the sofa or dancing and shouting
around the living room!
An entire Saturday to be spent tied up in
knots...Tony pow-wowed with her brother Joe in her room to cough up the
latest on Leslie. He in turn handed over his Les button from Roller
Day in Bay City. The 8-track remained non-negotiable. She noticed
he seemed to look at her with a certain amount of awe and respect now.
*The way it should be,* she chuckled to herself. If only Melissa
and Christy hadn't checked out on her. They could be in on this adventure
too. Instead to them, Edinburgh Estates was as fictional as Tony's
BCR concert in Saginaw story. She had taken the 8:30 p.m. arrival time
completely literally which meant shivers when he hadn't arrived by nine.
Hard to believe she held on for ninety more minutes.
Figuratively trying to keep her chin up while
huddling deeper into her jacket and sweatshirt for warmth, she stood up
stiffly from the doorstep of Mr. McKeown's house and began walking.
To hell with navigating through trees and brush then climbing fences.
This time she was going over near the road, beyond caring if anyone nosy
enough to look could see her! She shuffled down the gravel drive,
kicking stones and cursing herself for believing. Reese Road was only a
few yards away when a car turned in, paralyizing her in its high beams.
Tony Dixon was about to be busted by the cops for prowling!
Not the police after all. An apologetic
Les McKeown driving a rental car, and he pulled her into its warmth.
Now he swore at himself for getting his time zones screwed up, and his
plane being late as well, both nearly freezing her to death. Did her folks
know about this? She said her folks were fine. They trusted
her completely, and no doubt assumed she'd gone to Christy's but she couldn't
be at Christy's because Christy was out with Rod who know where...Rodney
the KISS freak, she added. By then Leslie was laughing.
A timidly voiced, "I thought you weren't coming."
She wanted to say that was understandable.
The schedules of big stars must change constantly, and should never be
counted on not to, by anyone...But she didn't speak that part.
"I may not always get here, but I'd never
She nodded and he skipped the rest. He said
the other guys would be arriving Sunday, revealing he happened to be the
least fond of hotel rooms. "I'll introduce you to Derek," he told
her with feigned innocence and a twinkle in his eye, braking the car at
the garage door.
Tea in the kitchen. Tony felt almost
human again, enough to want to smother giggles as she watched this famous
man who'd been on TV *and* the radio perform un-starlike domestic tasks
like filling his tea kettle, operating the stove, and struggling to install
a new trash bag in the empty wastebasket before stowing it in the "cupboard."
She in turn plied him with stories of being terrorized
by her older brother who liked to call the BCR "The Bay City Tumblers"
and threaten the Roller posters on her bedroom walls with Magic Markers...which
was why only a select few posters were still tacked up. The rest
were carefully counted and safely hidden in two unblemished school folders
in one specially designated dresser drawer.
How strange to be here babbling about herself
when normally her waking hours were spent quietly, almost wordlessly, listening
to others...To an extent because no one was interested in hearing her--
Anymore. Time and again tonight, her simple stories made Leslie laugh.
Shy Tony Dixon had a friend.
"Sorry again about this evening," he told
her when the car was parked at the curb outside her house.
"That's okay," she reassured him. Held her
breath for a moment then added, "Sometimes I just need a place to
get out of my house." He looked at her thoughtfully, gave her a smile.
"Tell you what, Ms. Rabbit, why don't you
stop by tomorrow afternoon, meet the other guys? And tell your two
friends to come 'round as well. We'll have a bit of fun, what do ya say?"
Tony had head-spins...Too late to call Melissa and Christy tonight!
combatted by escaping from the surreal to the imaginary.
Flicking her typewriter on, she combed through
pages to find where she'd left off. Air travel to Scotland (Woody
continuously shuffled his favorite deck of cards. "Watcha gonna do?
Play strip poker?", Les joked.). Melissa signing a recording contract
with Arista ("Party at my house!", Woody was yelling...All the Woody-burgers
you could eat, and a bottomless bottle of champagne.).
Private moments (The Scottish sunshine served
as an alarm clock..."Come in," Eric replied to Christy's knock. He
had no shirt on, and was just zipping his pants. Christy blushed
and he smiled devilishly, yet a little sleepy-eyed.). And a band
rehearsal where the Rollers were rejoined by Derek's brother Alan ("Les
put so much energy into each word...I *always* loved the way Les dances
when he sings..."). Right. Time for...
promised to be a chilly one so I dressed warmly in a new sweater and corduroys.
Derek told me I looked nice, then he presented me with a beautiful satin
tour jacket like the one he wore all the time.
We reached Les' house early, but he was
right at the door waiting for us. Both his mum and dad were friendly
people, and I felt quite at ease in their home. When dinner was finished
and Derek was occupied by a conversation with the folks, Les took me upstairs
to show me his room. He told me his dad hadn't seen much of the entertainment
page for the last few years, revealing a stack of newspapers in his closet.
The rest of his space could best be described as an organized mess, much
like my room back home.
His most prized possessions were his collection
of musical instruments, and his expensive, top- quality stereo system.
I told him this was the best night of my whole vacation, and he laughed
in an embarrassed way. He kissed me goodnight when Derek and I bid
the McKeowns goodbye at the front door, but Derek didn't mind. Les
and I were only friends.
Back on planet earth--or somewhat anyway,
Tony daydreamed about a bonfire in the woods of Edinburgh Estates.
She, her two friends, and the four Rollers...the strumming of acoustic
guitars, songs being sung, romance in the air...
Destiny did not cooperate. Melissa was stuck
at home in Indiantown without a ride and sounded dubious anyway.
Christy was babysitting her younger sister and wouldn't be available until
after 3 o'clock. Lissa's absence was a real disappointment
because Tony had pictured herself blurting out to Woody, "She wants to
be a singer!" Melissa's rendition of "Mandy" in the eighth grade talent
show had made very girl in the crowded gym weep so that must be worth something.
Only a couple hours later, Tony vowed never
to forget being introduced to the rest of the Bay City Rollers. Eric,
leather jacket and intimidation, regarding her suspiciously...and her most
intelligent thought--"Faulkner is in the dictionary!"--was so dreadful
she kept it to herself. Woody looked at her evenly and with interest,
expressing disappointment that Melissa would be unable to join them.
Tony looked at him, she saw Stan Laurel. And her first Roller-love
Derek, completely gracious, every bit as economical with words as she had
heard, and the most difficult to understand, thanks to his Scottish accent.
She snuck long looks at him as all four Rollers conversed than decamped
to their own dwellings, and thought he would be worth the effort to know
"Holy cow!", she scribbled in her diary that
night, "For however brief a moment, the Bay City Rollers knew who I was!"
Christy could now say the same, and was probably
on the phone to Melissa with all the exciting details. Oh well, so
much for them all being "fast friends."
One dream down, but another dangled from a
length of string in front of Tony's face, soon to hang around her neck.
As she and Christy were leaving Edinburgh Estates that afternoon, Les had
pulled her aside with a sweet smile and handed her a shiny silver key.
"Come in through the gate next time."
Months later, a Friday night in September
found Tony Dixon gaping in horror as Hollywood put the Rollers through
their paces in a preview of "The Bay City Rollers Meet The Saturday Morning
Superstars." Much worse than Erik Estrada's attempt to sing or Scott
Baio's hand-jive was the choreographed routine the BCR performed with slicked
back hair, plenty of invisible non-BCR background singers, and a batch
of scantily clad dancing girls who among other things leaped on the guys
from behind for a piggy-back ride. Tony seethed with jealousy and then
remembered with great satisfaction where she was viewing this definitely-career-turning
program. Leslie's living room at Edinburgh Estates! She removed
the string from around her neck to dangle the *two* keys now attached.
She thought back to Leslie first telling her
about the Saturday morning show, and about how a voice coach was going
to scale down those Scottish accents. On behalf of all Roller fans,
Tony had begged her friend to quickly develop his acting skills and "fake
it." She smiled at the time he drove her to hysterics with his "singing"
impression of Van Halen's David Lee Roth...Or how dumb she'd been the day
Leslie picked her up after school only to be mobbed inside his car.
"I only told one person!", she insisted as he politely signed autographs
through the opened window. Tell one, tell them all, was his summation,
complete with a forgiving shrug... Les never spoke of Hollywood in a worshiping
way so much as a mocking one. A city of debauchery, he'd say.
Going to Hollywood to be "debauched."
Stretched out on his sofa with a diet soda,
listening to the FM album rock station's Friday night jams, Tony tried
to reflect further but couldn't bring herself to think about Les just then.
Partly her fear of fashion models and actress-wanna-be's who preyed on
the (already) famous, and partly because she didn't know how long this
friendship thing was going to last. "Once Upon A Star" could take on a
whole new meaning...
Like Christy who sat behind Tony now in home
ec II, whispering and talking to her trampy friends about the new boyfriend
with the Peter Frampton hair. "I love it when he *rubs my neck*,"
she'd titter. At times like that, Tony felt like--despite her A's
and B-pluses and goody-two-shoes attendance record--the only person she
knew who didn't have a personality.
Now Melissa had personality. She could
mope about for days in the hallways and classrooms of RHS then suddenly
appear one morning dazzling everyone with her smile, her charisma, and
her suddenly stunning, photogenic face. Melissa often modeled for
a department store in Saginaw, but was exempted from Tony's "fear of fashion
models" wrath, having been a best friend since fourth grade.
When Woody and Melissa had finally met, romantic
sparks had not ignited, sad to say...but perhaps even more interestingly,
a trust had developed through recurring conversations that took place when
Mr. Wood was in town. Tony's Roller story now paralleled the path the real
band had taken in a highly fictional sort of way. Melissa's pretend
recording career took all three girls to New York City where they were
special guests at a Shaun Cassidy concert ("As Shaun ran past her at the
end of the show, he threw her the silk scarf he'd been wearing. She
clutched it for dear life until it was safely packed away in her suitcase.").
Then the setting switched to Los Angeles where
a certain future starlet's producer/fiance was more available, and Tony
worked some extreme melodrama into the plot. Derek, it seemed, was having
an affair with--horror of horrors--one of those up-and-coming, man-stealing
fashion models while Tony was innocently befriending such young celebrities
as Scott Baio from "Happy Days" and Triple-Crown-winning jockey Steve Cauthen.
THE BREAKUP. Les didn't take long
to arrive at all, and he found me exactly how Christy had left me.
Clicking on my bedside lamp and shutting the door, he surveyed my disheveled
appearance and red-rimmed eyes.
He sat down next to me and said, "I'm
really sorry."
I hung my head and felt the tears blinding
me once again as his arm came around me and hugged me tight.
"Did Derek tell you he's having an affair?"
Shocked to sobriety, I shook my head and
asked with whom.
"She's a girl a lot like you, just a few years
older, insecure, lonely. Only this girl wants to be a model, and thinks
Derek is going to do great things for her...but he's just using her."
"He said it was my fault we were breaking
up--because of Scott and Steve...And you know who told him? Melissa!"
"Here's a suggestion, in case you want
to get Derek back. Your friend Scott can help you since he'll be
taping our show next week. Act as if you really are a couple, and
see how old Derek reacts."
"Right now I think I just want to go home."
Giving my arm a squeeze, he said, "You're
not giving up *that* easily, are you?"
Finally, I managed a smile and shook my
head. Of course Mr. McKeown was right. And when Melissa's first
single was ready for release, Clive Davis would throw a glitzy party for
her then she would stay on the glamorous/debauched west coast while Christy
and Tony flew back to the *un*glamorous vacuum of Reese, Michigan.
GOING HOME. Eric arrived for Christy,
leaving me alone in the silent apartment. I could hear happy voices
drifting in from the beach and wistfully imagined being a part of them.
Les arrived with a "Good morning," apologized for being late, and said,
"Write to me. I'll miss you," handing me a small slip of paper then
kissing me goodbye.
"Aren't you taking me to the airport?"
"No," he replied quite matter-of-factly,
"Derek is on his way over right now. Bye!" With a wink and
a super-mischievious Les McKeown grin, he was gone.
1979. Tony declared early on that this would be the year she learned what cynicism was... Les McKeown had
left (or been kicked out of) the Bay City Rollers. Their manager, Tam Paton, was given the boot. And the group's
name henceforth would simply be The Rollers.
All that Tony could say for certain was her older brother, Mr. KISS-freak, had never asked to listen to "Strangers
In The Wind." He had sheepishly borrowed "It's A Game" several times. Even scarier, now that every 8-track tape
machine in the Dixon household was in need of repair, little brother Joe had handed over "Wouldn't You Like It?"
for Tony to keep. BCR 4-Ever. Friends 4 Life. Baloney! Why did people say those things?
Tony meant to keep her promises even if no one else lived up to them...Christy was a goner now. The latest
rumors around school involved an aborted pregnancy. So much for neck-rubbing. Personally, Tony would take her
own "sheltered" life any day...She removed "Rock N' Roll Love Letter" from the turntable in her room and replaced
it with Barry Manilow's "Even Now" LP.
Leslie's split with the Rollers defined the word acrimonious. He hadn't left, they said, he'd been asked to leave.
Hollywood had gone to his head. Solo-artist-to-be McKeown's final words to Tony on the falling out were these:
"One day bands and managers will study this group's history and make themselves a five-year plan--if it lasts that
long. A *three*-year plan might be better. The faster the electronic media grows, the shorter-lived that fame will
Strangely, Tony became better acquainted with quiet drummer Derek *after* the split while Les was in London
recording his first album without the BCR. She listened to the Rollers' unofficial business expert talk about financial
woes, travel itineraries, and his longtime interest in, of all things, the medical profession. Eons ago, Tony and Melissa
would have delighted in cracking jokes about Derek Longmuir's bedside manner, but in this more adult day and age,
Tony just focused in respectfully on his monologues the same as she would her father when he talked about
assembly lines at General Motors.
Leslie, as he now liked to be called, kept in touch with his Reese pal by phone, eventually causing Tony's mother
to remark, "He's kind of old for you, isn't he?" That would be the one time Mrs. Dixon's uninformed pestering drew
return fire from her daughter. The truth was no matter how rarely Les McQ might blow into town these days, he
remained her champion.
When she decried her classmates for repressing her with their collective superior attitude, he challenged her to
compete on a playing field tilted her way--The track team! He bought her a new pair, her first pair, of Adidas
running shoes, and Tony had completed a very promising first season last spring in her sophomore year. When she
moaned about her long, fly-away hair, he packed her in the car and hauled her to the nearest salon for a makeover.
When she contemplated her future, he encouraged her to think for herself, but when she couldn't see past two years
of community college because of lack of finances, he assured her a four-year school was within her grasp. "I'll put
you to work on my tour crew if I have to," he promised.
What career path was she looking at anyway, friends and several family members had asked as her high school
junior year approached. "I don't know," she'd reply every time, "Maybe a radio deejay."
Great idea, Tony, she'd belittle herself later. A person without words magically becoming a chatterbox in front of
a microphone. But at the same time, she'd reflect on all the countless hours spent listening to the radio over fifteen
years and what those voices on the other end had meant to her when it seemed no one else knew she was alive.
Maybe she could do the same for other people someday, a reasoning never volunteered to disbelieving eyes. In the
fall of '79, Christy came back transformed. Older, wiser, calm and patient. Caring. In yearbook class where most
days were slow days, Tony learned of the new man in Christy's life who had helped her save herself from the
destructive road she had been racing down. Jason.
Tony mostly talked about missing Les although he had sent her copies of all his solo recordings so far, and still
phoned every few months. Right now, he was supposed to be touring Japan. Which started Tony on one of her
Japan-envy rants that dated back to early Rollermania days. As for the new Rollers, they had cancelled their show at
the Saginaw Civic Center, where new lead singer Duncan Faure would have been introduced to the locals, due to
lack of interest.
Anyway when Tony was feeling low, Christy was there every fifth hour with an abundance of kind looks.
Egads! Upwardly mobile Mother Dixon's idea of showing support was uttering outdated "Reader's Digest"
cliches like, "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar," when Tony had a bad day at school. Then Tony
would quietly close her bedroom door, take a deep breath and cue up an album like the Eagles' "Hotel California."
"The autumn leaves have got you thinking about the first time that you fell...", Don Henley's ragged-with-emotion
voice would emanate and she'd feel better.
When the kitchen had cleared for the evening, Tony would try to call Melissa or one of her new friends Debra or
Peg. Debra the neurotic with "turd curls" and a comb...whose mother only allowed her to be addressed by her full
and proper first name, and who cried on the first day of cat dissection in tenth grade advanced biology because their
monstrous, deceased alley cat looked "just like my Blackie at home!"
Peg had been Tony's assigned lab-table partner for ninth grade biology class, and had turned out to be endless
barrels of laughs disguising a sensitive heart and soul. Peg could erupt an entire classroom including an always
forgiving teacher with her jokes, but like Tony she was also a diligent student. The problem with Peg and Debra, as
with Melissa and Christy before them, was their convenient way of forgetting Tony when activities outside of school
took place.
The Class of '79 yearbooks arrived, and among the "always and forever" notations in Tony's book, her big
brother Tim scrawled the words, "To someone who I 'think' is my sister because she spends so much time in her
room listening to the radio. Maybe it will pay off."
Sometimes Tony would borrow her mom's tape recorder and pretend to be the announcer backselling the Little
River Band or the Bee Gees, always using the call letters WLMQ...Keep it on McQ! Only when she missed Les
the most would she reach for her keys and hike to Edinburgh Estates where she never could count the number of
messages flashing on his telephone answering machine.
Fall of 1980. Leslie was on tour in Japan--again, and Tony finally had the hallways of RHS to herself, older
brother now enrolled in an engineering program at Saginaw Valley State University. The new senior Dixon had a
balanced schedule of one wicked government/economics class and tough senior English with an hour as a teacher's
aide, and a final two hours each day of yearbook followed by journalism.
Christy hadn't returned to graduate with the class of '81, instead attending adult education with Jason, her fiance,
so they could earn their G.E.D.'s together, and be married at the end of the summer.
Melissa shared Tony's English and yearbook classes but they usually only conversed at any length when one of
them had news about the Rollers visiting Edinburgh Estates. Woody would often invite Melissa to housesit on
weekends, his way of sparing her from two days in her own home where life was not so rosy, information gleaned
by Tony from Mr. Wood, not Melissa.
Just a few days after Tony's 17th birthday, Les followed up his care package of new album and latest publicity
photos with a call proudly announcing his first singing engagement in the Bay City area, with or without the Rollers.
He wanted her to be there, he said, energetically providing the date, time and place.
Snag number one, Tony did not have her driver's license and mom, dad and brother all said, "Not I." Well,
actually brother Tim said more than that, and snickered right in her face.
Snag number two, Melissa could drive, in fact probably would--if someone else, say Woody, was going to be
there as well. And any hopes of Peg driving her were dashed when Peg was diagnosed with mononeucleosis.
As the December 8th club date drew nearer, Leslie promised to send a car for her. "Screw them all." He ended
the call muttering to himself that they really needed to get her that driver's license. Miss Anal-Retentive out on a
school night, Tony mulled in anxious anticipation from her table as near the stage as possible, Les' orders. She felt
kind of odd sitting alone the way she was. Conspicuous...until the manager of the establishment stepped up to
introduce the band to a now packed house.
Rock 'em, sock 'em! How would she ever have known this ex-BCR friend of hers was so great? Talented? He
left her speechless! She didn't give her table for one a second thought...
After a short break around 10:30, Les brought his musicians out to play another set to an even more packed,
appreciative audience, complete with girls dancing between the tables and guys holding their beers unconsciously
tapping their toes. Just after eleven p.m., the manager motioned the star attraction to the side of the stage between
numbers and shouted something into her friend's ear over the din. The expression on Leslie's face turned from
electrified and confident to completely stunned, maybe even griefstricken...but why?
Slowly he straightened, turned toward the drum kit for a few seconds with head bowed then moved toward the
microphone on its stand. Seemed to hold his breath for an eternity before announcing, "Shortly before eleven
tonight, John Lennon was shot outside his home in New York City. John Lennon's dead." His voice cracked on the
word dead, each word ringing with disbelief.
The barroom clientele reacted as one, at least a couple of people letting out strangled cries, and Les stood before
them all, looking helpless. Behind him, the guys in the band were already grouped together discussing something,
nodding to each other as they separated then broke into a choppy intro of a song each person soon recognized as the
Lennon classic "Imagine." The front man found strength in the music and led an impromptu house choir through all
the verses, and left most of his voices quietly crying.
Les was driving. Tony didn't know where they were going. This was not in the original plans. So far he had
stopped at a liquor store for a fifth of vodka and packed his band off to their economy hotel, saying he'd meet them in
the morning at the airport.
On the car radio, shaken overnight-shift deejays were reporting the sudden and tragic news to their equally
shaken listeners...John Lennon--dead, shot seven times by a man from Honolulu named Mark Chapman who was
unhappy with the way Lennon had signed an album cover for him earlier in the day. All the way down the dial, AM
or FM, stations were cuing up "Starting Over," "In My Life," "A Day In The Life." All he was saying was give
peace a chance.
Flying down I-75 south with Leslie's silent thoughts as Tony sifted through her own memory banks...Her
mother's silly-sounding complaint about too many "yeah, yeah, yeah's" in "She Loves You"...Pretending to be John
and Paul in the Dixon kitchen with her brother Joe, jamming on homemade air-guitars while their scratchy, second-
hand Beatles records played...A to Z Beatles radio specials on holiday weekends and "A Hard Day's Night" on
Movie 5 at 4..."Mind Games," "#9 Dream," "And so this is Christmas..."
Les swung the car onto Saginaw's Tittibawasee Road exit, the one by the mall, and with barely a pause, whipped
across five lanes into the parking lot of the Sheraton- Fashion Square. Tony followed his instructions to pay a quick
visit to the gas station convenience store for a couple of large bottles of Coke--for him, while he checked in at the
front desk. He said he'd meet her at the elevators.
Waiting to hand over a couple of dollars to the convenience store clerk, Tony was torn. After midnight was too
late to be calling her folks and waking up the whole house, but at the same time, how could she not call? If she
called, what the hell would she say? "This is something I have to do," made perfect sense to her, but moms and dads
are more apt to jump to conclusions, scream "Sex with a minor!", and start calling the police.
"He knows me better than that," she scolded them silently on Leslie's behalf. "If you trust me anywhere near
how much I trust him, you'll leave him alone tonight. He needs a shoulder to lean on, maybe a hand to hold, not
someone to mess around with. I promise I'll be home as soon as I can, and bring home everything I left with..."
Impulsively, Tony grabbed a snack-size bag of Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies on a bit-of-Roller-trivia
whim, stopped by the pay phone outside before she lost what little nerve she had and told her folks she couldn't talk
but she'd be home in the morning to explain, would her mother please call RHS for her and say she'd be in at
lunchtime. Gotta go. Miss Anal-Retentive about missing school placed the phone on its hook and didn't look back...
Once in the door of the (thoughtful even at a time like this) double room, the TV was locked on to an all-news cable
channel as Tony took a seat on the end of the bed nearest the set, clutching her winter jacket in her lap. Behind her
Les tossed off his shoes, loosened his shirt and poured himself a drink before grabbing both pillows and stretching
out. Neither of them said much, except for angry reactions when Chapman's named was mentioned.
Tony could hear Les lighting cigarette after cigarette (smoking did not spell refreshment or any of those other
print ad adjectives to her mind or senses), and repeatedly filling his drink glass but she was afraid to look at him too
often. The TV stayed on until some unknown time when the talking heads stopped telling them anything they didn't
already know and Leslie abruptly raised himself to turn off the set, the lights. The curtains he left slightly open.
Awkard moment for Tony. What did she do now? Calling someone a good friend, thinking of someone as a
good friend was one thing but when that person has only ever been at arm's length...Follow your heart, perhaps?
She tossed her coat on the empty bed by the window, and collected its two pillows, carrying them with her to
Leslie's side of the room. He was lying flat on his back watching the flame burn on his lighter, apparently through
with his "voddie and Coke." He reached out his nearest hand and said, "Come join the party!"
She sat up next to him, sinking into their sea of pillows, shocked (in a good way) when he cuddled his head
against the pantleg of her Levi's. "Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, tomorrow I'll miss you... Remember I'll always
be true...", he sang out of nowhere, "And then while I'm away, I'll write home every day, and I'll send all my loving
to you..." He finished with a rather glassy-eyed smile. Tony answered with the first verse of "Eight Days A Week."
Their goofy, drunken John Lennon wake skipped over the "Helps" and "A Day In The Lifes" in favor of the
upbeat tunes, until Leslie's head was cradled in Tony's lap and their duet on "In My Life" had trailed into
McKeown's sleepy rendition of "All You Need Is Love" at which point he plain passed out, leaving Tony far
beyond resisting the urge to gently caress his hair and touch his face at will. What a face...but she was tired too, and
lifted his head long enough to stretch out next to him, wrap both arms around him, say a prayer for John, Sean and
Yoko, then close her eyes.
He hadn't told her about the 9 a.m. wake-up call. Oh, God. He had to get to the airport a.s.a.p., barely had time
for a shower. Told her she should take her time, but she would feel much too weird about it. The sooner home the
In the parking lot waiting for her ride to show, munching on the last of the much-appreciated chocolate chip
cookies, he handed her a wad of cash. To trot out an old cliche, he didn't look the worse for wear...How to say
goodbye? Leslie reached out and held her tightly (Damn those winter coats!).
"I'd go anywhere with you right now if you needed me to," she pledged passionately, loyally, "Burn candles
outside the Dakota Building...Anything."
"Yes, I know." He gave her a squeeze. (Double-damn those winter coats!) Followed by a very honest, "I can't
let go." She tried to laugh.
"I know...but I think your taxi is here, my friend." He freed her slowly and asked, "What will you do now?"
"Catch what's left of school, I guess...Face my folks. It was worth it though...not John dying, I mean.....I'd do it
again." He kissed her cheek and opened the taxi door for her. He was still smiling at her as her car entered the
roadway. Life would go on, she knew, but she'd never feel the same--about L.R.M. About anything. Fall-out from
the Night the Beatles Died...Grounded for all of Christmas vacation, which was a moot point because Tony's social
calendar was its traditional complete blank.
She suspected the action taken was more to ward off potential appearances by a certain Scottish singer, so she
blustered at her parents for a few minutes just to make them feel good. And she listened to "You Made Me Believe
In Magic" way too bloody many times.
After her sentence was lifted, she exercised her Les-fed appetite for rock guitars at his place, cranking the volume
on Jackson Browne's "Hold Out," Pink Floyd's "The Wall," and the Eagles' "The Long Run" albums.
She penned Leslie letters about the doors of her senior year closing behind her, including her last ever high school
dance. To Tony a Friday night dance at RHS had three parts...Phase one was "Babe" by Styx on Peg's car radio,
when the night held great promise for all.
Phase two was snagging that Guy of the Month as the deejay segued into "Sailing" by Christopher Cross,
knowing your guy knew you were interested in him but no matter how friendly, he never would reciprocate.
Which by the end of the evening directly led to a deflated phase three...Peg dropping you off at home feeling
equally dejected, and "Dreaming" by Cliff Richard was your companion for the rest of the night. At least this final
soiree ended kind of full circle.
The transfer student from sophomore year she'd had such a crush on, now one of the most popular guys in her
class, had asked her to dance--"Lead Me On" by Maxine Nightingale--and they talked their way through the whole
song, laughing about old (and much geekier) times!
Tony's track career ended with her breaking the string in a fast heat of the 1600 meter relay at the Thumb Meet of
Champions, one place out of medal contention, and while she had collected some hardware, along with several
school records, and earned numerous points in her three workhorse seasons for the Rocket "thinclads" (She'd always
hated that word), she guessed she'd always wish she could go back and start with the team her freshman year.
Much better memories than her dateless senior prom though, that was certain. She could still picture riding there
in a friend of a friend's car, Debra and The Friend in front smoking a joint. Peg in the backseat with her head stuck
out the window...
For what it was worth, she mailed a graduation announcement to Mr. Leslie McKeown marked "Attendance
Mandatory!" The evening of Friday, June 5th, 1981...Picture-perfect weather outside which meant women fanning
themselves fiercely in the high school gymnasium. The seniors lined up in the hallway alphabetically in their caps
and gowns, Tony feeling slightly miffed that her younger brother had preferred to play baseball tonight.
Bigger news than an RHS diploma had arrived in the afternoon mail anyway, a letter from the local community
college awarding her a two-year tuition scholar-ship. The certificate would be presented to her during the ceremony.
"Pomp And Circum- stance," time to go...She saw him in the doorway right in the middle of Ms. Valedictorian's
speech, looking a very sexy kind of "hot" in fashionable black and white, completely erasing what small amount of
concentration she had left. And when his eyes found her and he flashed those little teeth of his at her in a smile...
At last the just-commenced senior class was freed into a receiving line in front of the school, Prince Charming
standing near to sweep Tony's folks and whoever else off their feet. Tony was overwhelmed by photo-op's -Parents,
friends, a couple of aunts and one grandmother. Even one of her teachers! Several friends whispered, "Go for it,
Tony!", giving LRM the once-over. Leslie offered to squire her off to the big graduation bash on a nearby farm,
which she giddily accepted, making no secret that she planned to "Yo-ho-ho" that pint of Bacardi that her dad had
slipped her for this night.
She lost her composure to mirth when she caught sight of their transportation...Not one of Les' usual model-year
sedans, but a slightly-used-looking Chevette. "Where'd you get this?", she choked uncontrollably.
"It belongs to a friend," he answered rather cryptically. "I spoke with her parents about it last week, and they
agreed it would be a wonderful graduation present. Now there's *no* reason for you not to get that driver's license,"
he scolded as she leaped up to hug him.
He fished in his designer jacket and handed her a set of keys. Planted a big kiss on her cheek...Normally reserved
Tony was a whirlwind at the party, leading Leslie by the hand, smooching all the guys. *She* was the DCC
scholarship girl, and with her was the handsomest man on the planet!
On the drive back to Edinburgh Estates, Leslie--playing designated driver--watched Tony's radio radar lock onto
ABBA's '79 anthem for jailbait teenagers everywhere, "Does Your Mother Know?", and she blasted it from the
speakers of her new car, shouting, "Hey, it's our song!"
"I can see what you want but you seem pretty young to be searching for that kind of fun," she zealously sang
along. "...Well, I can dance with ya, honey. If you think it's funny, does your mother know that you're out?", she
continued, leaning toward the driver's seat, not the least bit concerned about acting like a total goof. The wacky
festivities continued in Leslie's living room where he surprised her with a borrowed Japanese karaoke machine and
unlimited requests for all her favorite Roller tunes.
"For my final number," he announced as his voice was beginning to fade, "for my favorite RHS graduate ever,
going all the way back to 'Dedication' which she sometimes claims to be her favorite, this is for Tony...
Congratulations!", complete with sly lounge-lizard wink.
Oh, my God, he was going to sing "You're A Woman" for her! She pinched herself, making sure this wasn't
1977 and she was not dreaming. Unreal...but so right. He even danced with her near the end. "No more....."
"Could I bother you for some of that yo-ho-ho?", he inquired, shutting down karaoke for the night. She fished
the bottle out from behind the sofa cushions and tossed it to him. All good things...
"Tony, there's something I have to tell you. I'm in a bit of a bind right now...I'm going to have to sell the house."
Long pause, uncertainty. "Take all the albums that you want--They're just as much yours as mine anyway. The
stereo, if you can lift it over the fence..."
He followed up his humor-check with a wicked gleam in his eye. Tony attempted a grin that looked more like a
grimace. She listened and he talked for a few more minutes then he left her looking through the stack of records and
went to his room to start packing. Kneeling on the floor in her graduation dress, she clicked on the radio for comfort.
Oh, no. "Babe" by Styx. The one with the long intro...She tried to keep her crying to herself, even turning her
back to the doorway to hide her face, but he found out anyway and wrapped his arms around her. Kept saying he
was sorry, resting his chin on the back of her head.
"What was it all for if you were just going to go away?", she sobbed.
"Hey," (Beautiful Dreamer?) he said gently, "You'll be the first name in my address book (pronounced more like
'bewk'), I promise...And don't say you won't think of me everytime you drive somewhere in the McKeown Mobile."
Another attempt to disarm her--and her sniffles--with his humor.
He kissed away the tears from her face ("Babe, I love you...") and, she was sure, meant to stop there but she took
the reins for once in her life ("Babe, I love you..."), meeting his lips with hers. And letting them linger "Ooh, ooh,
ooh, ooh, Babe."
Dueling realtor "For Sale" signs marked the drive and fences of Edinburgh Estates, as the other ex-Bay City
Rollers followed Les' lead. To her journal, Tony confided--God bless him for leaving the romantic dreams in her
head intact...and for trying never to say words that would break her heart.
College was the place where Tony Dixon decided it wasn't cool to say she'd been a Roller fan. This was a time of
Who farewell tours and the Go Go's. In addition to her first broadcasting class and a required semester of
composition, Tony headed straight for the creative stuff--a poetry *and* a short story class.
E.Y.B.S., she called herself smugly--Enterprising Young Broadcasting Student. Primarily surrounded by
fun-to-interesting-to-attractive males, she soon made many friends in the television environs. By-The-Book-Bob,
who was anything but, stood out as the only guy who gave her trouble.
One of the major drags of being Tony Dixon was always being the youngest member of her class. Here she was,
a 17-year-old college freshman. Most of her new pals would have transferred from DCC or graduated by the time
she turned 21. Because of that, boy, did Bob razz her! She needed to read *"Cosmo.* She needed to get "wild and
crazy." As if he--this late 20's TV engineer--and he alone was qualified to advise her on the most personal aspects of
her life.
However, broadcasting classes required a minimum number of hours of observation at the master control
switching console, and Tony saw "student employee" in her future, so By-The-Book had mega-chances to charm,
tease andsuggest. At semester's end, she made turnabout fair play and said she was taking him up on his offers to
He handed her some excuse about not dating women younger than himself. She didn't budge. Finally he
relented and said he'd give her this one night...which meant drinking wine until all hours to Air Supply in his parents'
furnished basement where she could have but didn't. Surprisingly, Tony's folks were not upset about her late return.
She figured they were just relieved that she went out *somewhere*...with *anyone.*
Semester two was where the Radio/TV friendships really formed. While Tony was steering clear of the now
renamed *Obnoxious* Bob the Engineer, she posted chatty school-themed letters to Leslie. "Dave let me run
camera one today!" "Audio for pledge drive...Six and a half hours of it!" "Benny and I had a major ink battle in
MCR this afternoon!" "New P.R.--5 rum and Cokes!"
She strove to recreate all the various personalities she'd encountered on paper like Dave the cool director saying,
"Tilt down your audio there, sport." Or M. Andersen, the dignified (to the point of being egotistical) talk show host,
telling her, "Everytime I see you, you're either eating or
being molested by a bunch of guys."
She withheld Obnoxious Bob's innocent verbal slam, "You're like a sister to those guys." To herself, she
acknowledged that even though so many months had passed since June 5, she still found irony in the cover of "(You
Left Me) Just When I Needed You Most" on Leslie's most recent LP.
Spring break. Great TV Auction time at the station for staff and students alike. Les was darn lucky to catch
Tony at home. Safe banter, surface stuff. And then he stopped the world. He said the g-word. A Japanese
recording artist. "She's incredible."
Recording *star*, actually, as Tony would find out later. The bad news, he continued, (huh?) was her job on his
tour crew for the summer wasn't going to be happening. The gig that was to help pay the bills when she transferred
to her four-year school, not to mention one hell of an adventure--Kaput.
"There might be a wedding, you see." And he was right, in hindsight. Tony's first glimpse of Leslie's mate was
in their wedding photo. Tony's folks had unfortunately witnessed her end of their entire phone conversation.
"You look like you just lost your best friend," her father observed lightly.
She popped the top on a bottle of diet soda from the fridge, feeling glum.
"I thought you were a career girl?", he persisted.
For heaven's sake...*He was right!* Career girl, overachiever if neccessary--Her torch carrying days were over.
Furthermore, she made a stubborn and firm (albeit secret) decision to take that two-year free ride then proceed
directly into the workplace. Where she would hurt inside, she still had music. She doubted she'd ever forget the
night of Leslie's phone call, after mind-numbing hours running cameras on the DCC Great TV Auction
floor...flopped down on her bed, and the same album rock station she'd listened to the night John Lennon died
playing a suspiciously message-like Beatles song that mesmerized her.
"Dear Prudence open up your eyes
Dear Prudence see the sunny skies
The wind is low the birds will sing
That you are part of everything
Dear Prudence won't you open up your eyes?"
Sophomore year, some friends already moving on to new posts, a change in career paths, or to four-year
universities. Tony's letters to Les reduced in frequency, but ultimately she found she still needed that outlet to voice
her frustration, confusion, and passion for the line of work she had chosen.
"Sooner or later, you go as far as you can go in DCC broadcasting, and it's the same place that was reached by
all the Skorys, Ken Smartts and Mark Dorceys who came before you," capped by a few grumbles about too many
incompetent new people on the student employee payroll.
"B.B. says to keep my avenues open--Don't rule out a career in radio. Meyer, however, says to stay away from
radio as a career. The fame and fortune aren't worth all the crap, and that announcers are nothin'!"
Entry level positions at local radio and TV stations, even for a few hours a week, were highly coveted and Tony
was passed over for a great part-time opportunity at the local NBC-TV affiliate after being assured she was a prime
candidate. "I love the Business--did even before I got paid--but how I envy those people with the divine luck and
uncanny timing who always get what they want."
In the late summer of '83, certainly thanks in part to her friend Brian,Tony landed her first radio job at WMBC, a
joke of an AM, broadcasting from downtown Bay City.
According to legend, local stations liked to hire DCC students because they were used to "working with junk,"
and Tony was more than happy to join their minimum-wage ranks even to work lousy weekend afternoon and
evening shifts comprised of syndicated programming and live professional sports fed out of Detroit.
More interesting to the new hiree, however, were the high-tech computer terminals recently installed in the
WMBC office. Ask Tony about the wave of the future, and she'd point to those bleary, orange-on-black-displaying
monitors. A third fall semester at DCC found Tony paying tuition out of her own pocket for the first time in order to
complete her final two broadcasting requirements for college graduation--Producing & Directing, along with several
credit hours for serving as Dave the cool director's assistant for a few months, definitely the top of the mountain in
Tony's higher education.
Yes, she'd admit, she was tired of all those years of school, and pushing to get somewhere. Enough already!
But over was forever, and she'd miss favorite catch-phrases like providing "continually usable shots" while running
studio cameras, Ray the cranky chief engineer having to say "We thank you for making a maximum effort," the day
she showed up (but no one else did) for her sign-on master control shift despite severe winter weather, long days and
nights during pledge drives, and the insanity of being on the Great TV Auction floor that left you hearing directors
barking over headsets in your sleep.
"Okay, now remember divine luck and uncanny timing?", the freshly degreed member of the Dixon family wrote
to Leslie McKeown in January 1984. "You're communicating with WMBC's new full-time commercial copywriter
and production director."
As the months flew by, Tony would describe her sense of accomplishment at marching into the production room
with a stack of copy sheets and agency dubs then marching back out again with a stack of carted spots--numbered,
labelled and ready to air. She prided herself on her tight board work running network talk-radio, local sports, and
mixing the weekday noon farm show live in the studio The live announcing part was where she *knew* she fell
short. "I have the *voice* but not the *words*...", she'd lament to her distant confidant, recounting how she had to
write out even the tiniest weather update.
Then there was Roy, the pencil-tapping afternoon guy, who could key out the mic, cough or clear his throat, and
key the mic back in without missing the beat of an eraser. Tony did her best to improve (in her eyes) in that area
while learning everything she could about those office computers. After all, the greatest life lesson that L.R.M. had
taught her was when fate--or the Business--knocked you on your butt, you got back on your feet and kept trying.
June arrived and with it a new WMBC news director named Ted. Tony would always look back on the ensuing
time as the Summer of Her Distraction.
Ted was on his second marriage to, if you believed him, a petite shrew of a woman and Tony quickly became a
member of the single- female sympathy club. How could anyone be coldhearted to such a dedicated, intelligent,
nice- looking man? Conveniently her height, around her every day, so worldly...She felt herself falling for him.
Tony's not-extensive dating history was marred by something she called the Ick Factor-- Guys who were
interesting until you were *on* dates with them, then Wham!--The Ick Factor. Ted, Ted, Ted was different. He
innocently pursued her as she had never been pursued before. He flirted with her--in writing. "Bear in mind, I am
stuck in the middle...Between a T.V. freak and a person who is little...To break the ice I cannot do...The final move
is up to you." But this dogged suitor made one major mistake--inviting Tony to his Labor Day bash where she met
the Mrs. and found out who the schmuck *really* was.....
A fall Friday night, post-high school football playoff game with Tony on the board. The request line began
flashing just as she was about to backsell Sinatra's "Summer Wind." She punched a button and gave the caller an
exasperated, "WMBC--Please hold." Then in a much more pleasant voice, she opened the mic to announce, "AM
1420 playing more of the *Good Stuff*..."
She was mortified to find Leslie on the telephone, very long distance. He thought her rudeness was hysterical.
She enjoyed his wit and his stories more than ever, loved that he still obviously cared for her, but she missed the days
of sharing the real "inside stuff." She supposed he saved that part of himself for his wife (and his son).
She talked of clipping "Sally Forth" (career woman) and "John Darling" (fictitious television station) comic strips
from the newspaper, bemoaned the lack of report cards in the real world, and mentioned the news that John Lennon's
son was to release his first pop single and album very soon.
Les said he was basically busy and happy, spending a lot of time performing in Germany and Japan.....The Julian
Lennon single was called "Valotte," and the young artist was both hailed and criticized for sounding like his famous,
deceased father...
1985 brought to fruition all the electronics industry talk about digital audio on shiny discs. Affectionately referred
to as "D.A.D.'s" by Tony's DCC engineering friends, music sold on compact discs instead of pressed vinyl and the
cost-prohibitive players with which to listen to them had arrived.
Tony literally cried when a first-of-its-kind Sony Discman and a compact disc of Julian Lennon's debut album
were delivered to her at home with the enclosed note: "Tony's wish comes true--The machine may not last forever
but the music will. LRM."
Spring, 1995. Tony Dixon had long since left the farm fields of Reese, Michigan for the asphalt and concrete of
the Chicago suburbs. Of her brief stop in independent television in '86, she would recount only three things--How
much she hated living and working in Flint, Michigan; a very strange pact she made with Keith the commercial copy
coordinator (to "lose their innocence" together if neither had found someone by the time he or she had a chance to
escape-- *She'd* never tell!); and the "help wanted" ad in Electronic Media that got her the heck out of there.--Take
the software experience and run!
Julian Lennon instigated these occupational changes by posing the musical question, "When do I find out what
I'm doing right?" Tony had decided there was no answer but to make the progress you sought happen yourself.
Today she held the title of Radio Traffic Manager/Promotions Assistant at WCMX-FM (Chicagoland's Mix), a
hot A/C station headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois. She also earned a lucrative side-income as a freelance
voice-over announcer, paying a nominal fee for production time at The Mix then sending her recorded work by
courier to the appropriate ad agency or office
She hadn't heard from Leslie since '89 when her parents forwarded a package containing an album called "It's A
Game," and a hasty note that said--"Still an entertainer, still a husband and father, maybe I'll see you in the States
someday." She'd always remember being in her car later that same afternoon and hearing an oldies station play the
Guess Who singing, "No time left for you..."
Despite the urban sprawl around her, Tony kept life simple in Oak Brook. "Just give me a video store and a
shopping mall!", she liked to tell people. Except for owning a purchased-new, reliable car and leasing secure living
quarters, she didn't have expensive tastes... Musically, she had lived through a U2 phase (Pontiac Silverdome, April
'87) and a New Kids phase (Alpine Valley Music Theater inWisconsin--Attendance 65,000--Twice...), leading to the
Eagles' "Hell Freezes Over" tour stop at Alpine Valley where the new material was exciting but Joe Walsh grabbed
her by the heartstrings with his "Pretty Maids All In A Row" declaration: "...Heroes they come and they go...And
leave us behind as if we're supposed to know--Why..."
While not public information, Tony shared her condo with cassette copies of all her Bay City Roller albums
(Shouldn't she have worn out "Don't Let The Music Die" and "Write A Letter" by now?), the "16" magazine
centerfold with Roller Day in Bay City on one side (and KISS on the other!), and her two most cherished
photos--One of her running camera on the DCC Great TV Auction floor, and the one (etched in her psyche) taken
with Leslie on Graduation Night, 1981.
A new and interesting aspect of Tony's days at WCMX involved assisting the promotions manager in answering
e-mail sent to the station through America Online, a fast-growing computer online service. When conditions were
favorable, Tony would sign on to AOL and explore. She was astounded when her "Where Are They Now?"
message board posting from March regarding the Bay City Rollers drew an e-mail response in October directing her
to a board dedicated solely to her favorite group. Which led her to the next logical step--purchasing her own home
So much for inexpensive tastes...Her BCR message board fanaticism found her collecting cost-no-object,
Japanese-released Roller CD's piecemeal with help from fellow fans in faraway places like Georgia, Connecticut and
Toronto, Ontario. November found her still wanting "Wouldn't You Like It?" and "Dedication."
Meanwhile, during sweeps weeks that month ABC Television aired its blatantly-hyped "Beatles Anthology,"
heralding the release of a remarkable (Tony thought) "new" Beatles single called "Free As A Bird." Listening to the
song gave Tony a peculiar feeling, chills even. If there was a downside to the Fab Four's technological collaboration
though, the enormous, empty place inside her where Leslie used to be seemed to grow larger whenever McCartney
wondered, "Can we really live without each other?"
70's nostalgia was a preferred topic at WCMX, but Tony just as often reserved the right to remain silent for
reasons she'd refuse to discuss.
March 7, 1996. A late afternoon visit to the AOL Roller message board...Big news. BIG BIG news! One of the
regulars--somehow, someway--had just been on the phone with Leslie Richard McKeown. Fanning everyone who
had passed out was right. Tony was reeling--This BCR loving comrade was about to share Leslie's e-mail address.
Good luck getting through, the post duly noted. Apparently Mr. McKeown's local computer service left something
to be desired--Beware of "Failed Mail."
Despite Tony's delight, she held a wait-and- see attitude about joining in the e-mail assualt, but one by one her
online sisters shared their success stories and LRM responses. Her first couple of attempts were returned to her so
she widened her efforts by e-mailing from home *and* work. And then.....Frankie, the Mix's promotions "whiz
kid," could have passed for one of Tony Manero's disco- happy friends in "Saturday Night Fever." This morning,
the resident encyclopedia of pop culture references had all the office assistants laughing *again* with his impression
of Scotty from "Star Trek" done with a thick New York accent. Women loved Frankie...The secret to shutting him
down was the maxim--If you're not interested, you're not interested. He skipped the Joe Cool act with Tony, and
treated her instead like a kid sister. Such is life...
Eventually he wandered into his office with a fresh cup of coffee andlogged on to AOL ("You've got mail!"),
only to loudly announce, "E-mail from the U.K.--What are you not telling me, Ms. Dixon?"
Except for almost knocking over her chair in a scramble to get to the computer monitor, she didn't think she
displayed sheer panic...much. Sure enough, "To Ms. D in IL" was the subject heading.
Fanning everyone who has passed out..."It's probably just junk mail from the internet," she informed Frankie
blandly, "I've been getting a lot of that lately. Save it for me and I'll take a look at it later." Like when he was out to
lunch, which comprised most of his working hours.
"To Ms. D in IL"--He thanked her for her thoughtful message, and said he was very happy to hear he had been
such a positive inspiration to her. He hoped the years had been kind to her, as they had been to him. "Regards,
She next experimented with a list of inquiries about his past and present, waiting impatiently as other AOL'ers
received their responses from the only Roller on the internet. Someone reported him as having joked that his fingers
were falling off one at a time from long sessions on his computer keyboard.
Finally he waded through to her letter. No, he hadn't seen "Braveheart" yet. Said his songwriting was not
acceptable "in the old days" but there were never-before-heard BCR tracks in *his* vault. And as for the blue Ford
Mustang-- that was in the scrap heap a long time ago. "Busy, busy me...Regards, LESMAC."
Tony longed to reveal her true identity--even her online friends were not privy to her Les history (& yes, she
carried a guilty conscience about that)--but too much time had passed, too much effort applied to building a life
without him. Maybe this whole e-mail/message board thing was a mistake...
Then unexpectedly, the remainder of her CD dreams came true--"Lovely To See You" *and* "My Lisa" to
infinity. From Leslie's lips to her ears, as was meant to be for close to 20 years. Now if she could only ask him--Did
you mean it when you sang those words in some recording studio so long ago?
96-08-15, "To Ms. D In IL: I *always* 'mean it' when I sing..." Stand by to o.d. on every syllable ("One more
time for old time's sake..."). That enormous, empty place stretched for eons.
By some mystical chance, Melissa from the days of Rollermania and recently divorced, called to say she'd be in
Chicago for a couple of days to attend a business seminar. No, she didn't need a place to stay, but she'd sure like to
see her old school friend!
Which was how Tony came to be pouring out her should-have-been-dead-and-buried-long-ago Les McKeown
miseries over stuffed pizza on Michigan Avenue one late summer afternoon. "He doesn't know anything about me
except my screen name."
Melissa hesitated for a moment before delicately prying, "Did you two ever..."
Tony choked. Smiled her biggest, most idiotic smile in weeks. "*ARE YOU KIDDING?*.... There was one
pretty terrific kiss though." She'd lived for years on that one kiss.
The discussion continued, tipping the scales from light-hearted to the more serious. "You know, you only ever
saw that one side of him," Melissa pointed out. "Maybe you need to start all over again."
But I *liked* what he was, the lost child in Tony wailed silently yet stubbornly.
96-08-31. COMPOSE MAIL. Re: The Truth... Hi, Leslie--I have a confession to make...My real name is
Tony Dixon........"
(Loraine Koski 8/24/96)